Immuno Histo Chemistry – Nitrotyrosine 160 Slides Kit
Picture: Shows anti-Nitrotyrosine stained (brown) colon section from a mouse with colitis (paraffin-embedded) . Shown at a 1:100,000 dilution of SKC-211 using the ABC method.
Protein tyrosine nitration results in a post-translational modification that is increasingly receiving attention as an important component of nitric oxide signaling (2). While multiple nonenzymatic mechanisms are known to be capable of producing nitrated tyrosine residues, most tyrosine nitration events involve catalysis by metalloproteins such as myeloperoxidase, eosinophilperoxidase (3), myoglobin, the cytochrome P-450s, superoxide dismutase and prostacyclin synthase.
Nitrotyrosine may also serve as a biomarker for the effects of reactive nitrogen oxides, based on tyrosine residues becoming nitrated in proteins at sites of inflammation induced tissue injury (1). The presence of nitro tyrosine-containing proteins therefore has shown high correlation to disease states such as atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic latera sclerosis (4).
Certified in Mouse and Human, other species not tested. For details on the species reactivities of the antibodies used, please see individual data sheets corresponding to the catalog numbers given on the kit components tab.
1. Girault I., et al. (2001). Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 31 (11): 1375-1387.
2. Gow A.J., Farkouh C.R., Munson D.A., Posencheq M.A., and Ischiropoulos H. (2004). Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 287(2): L262-8.
3. Takemoto K., et al (2007). Acta Med Okayama 61(1): 17-30.
4. Reynolds M.R., et al. (2006) J Nerosci. 26(42): 10636-45.
Kit Components (Full Kit SKT-211RB):
SKC-211 Anti-Nitrotyrosine Antibody (special format of SMC-154, a mouse monoclonal). (50ul).
SKC-903 Amplifying IHC Wash Buffer (20X) (500ml).
SKC-905 Epitope Unmasking Solution (10X) (250ml).
SKC-902 Amplifying Antibody Dilution Buffer (500ml).
SKC-900 Antibody Basic Amplifier (1/12 Wells).
SKC-901 Antibody Amplifier Eclipse for Immunofluorescence (1/12 Wells).
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