Phase Haptoglobin

Tridelta Development Ltd

The activation of the body’s immune system-mediated defence mechanisms is termed the acute phase response. Haptoglobin is one of a series of acute phase proteins that is found in the blood of a range of animal species. Under normal conditions, it is either absent from the blood or present at very low levels. Depending on the species normal ranges can vary from less than 0.05mg/ml in cattle to 0.3 – 3.5mg/ml in dogs. However, haptoglobin can increase significantly in response to acute infection, inflammation or trauma. The rise in serum or plasma haptoglobin and the continuous monitoring of this during the acute phase response gives valuable information to the clinician or researcher.

Tridelta Haptoglobin Products

Tridelta PHASE Haptoglobin Assay (cat. no. TP-801)

Free haemoglobin exhibits peroxidase activity, which is inhibited at a low pH. Haptoglobin present in the specimen combines with haemoglobin and at a low pH preserves the peroxidase activity of the bound haemoglobin. Preservation of the peroxidase activity of haemoglobin is directly proportional to the amount of haptoglobin present in the specimen.

This is a colorimetric assay designed to quantitatively measure the concentration of the acute phase protein haptoglobin in serum and plasma from a range of animal species. This assay can be performed in manual or automated formats. Suggested protocols for certain instruments as well as the manual method can be downloaded in PDF formats below.

To view a PDF of the Phase Range Haptoglobin Assay Pack Insert (Including the manual method) Please Select From The Side Menu

Suggested Protocols for Autoanalysers

A number of suggested protocols for using the Phase Haptoglobin Assay on an autoanlyser have been developed and are available in PDF format for download by clicking on the instrument name in the side panel to your right. Please note that these protocols have been developed and supplied by the user community and that intending users should satisfy themselves that the method chosen is appropriate for use; some adjustment of the suggested parameters may be required for optimal functioning. Tridelta is not reponsible for any loss or damage arising from use of these suggested protocols.

Haptoglobin Control (cat. no. TP-801-CON)

A 2 level (1ml of each) Control serum is available for use with the Phase Haptoglobin Assay.

To view a PDF of the Pack Insert for the Haptoglobin Control Please Select from The Side Menu

Haptoglobin Calibrator (cat. no. TP-801-CAL)

Additional Calbrator Reagent is available for use with the Phase Haptoglobin Assay.

To view a PDF of the Pack Insert for the Haptoglobin Calibrator Please Select from the Side Menu

Buy now

£366.00 / €512.40 TP-801

All prices shown are exclusive of VAT