RNA Clean-Up and Concentration Kit
For rapid and efficient clean-up and concentration of total RNA, including microRNA, without phenol
Clean-up & concentrate total RNA (including miRNA) in minutes
Clean-up & concentrate RNA from TRIzol®, TRI Reagent®, etc
Clean-up RNA from contaminants including enzymes, primers, nucleotides
Rapid spin-column protocol, elute in 20 µL
96-well format for high throughput processing & small spin column formats for 8 µL are available
Purified RNA is fully compatible with all downstream applications
RNA Clean-Up and Concentration Kit
This kit is designed to clean-up and concentrate RNA (including miRNA) from TRIzol® and TRI Reagent®, enzymatic reactions, in vitro transcription, labelling reactions, etc. This is a robust kit for all clean-up and concentration purposes for up to 35 µg of RNA in solution. The purified RNA is of the highest purity and integrity, and can be used in a number of downstream applications. The kit purifies all sizes of RNA, from large mRNA and ribosomal RNA down to miRNA, siRNA and lncRNA. The kit elutes RNA in 20 µL for all types of downstream applications. For smaller elution volumes of 8 µL, please refer to the microspin column kits such as the RNA Clean-Up and Concentration Micro-Elute Kit for the highest concentration of RNA sample.
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