Indigo Biosciences

INDIGO Biosciences, Inc. was founded in 2005 in State College, PA by Dr. Jack Vanden Heuvel and Dr. Blake Peterson. It remains a privately held biosciences company offering products and services focused on nuclear receptors, which comprise a major class of therapeutic drug targets. The founders leveraged their collective expertise in nuclear receptor biology, toxicology, medicinal chemistry, and molecular biology to establish the core platform technology of the Company.

INDIGO Biosciences’ original focus was that of a traditional contract research organization, namely, to provide custom services for the screening of small molecule compounds against functional human and non-human nuclear receptors. Over the years, the Company has demonstrated success in providing quality screening services to clients within the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food, agriculture, and nutraceutical industries, as well as government research agencies and academic researchers. However, in 2008 the Company’s mission changed dramatically upon the successful development of a unique and superior processing method to cryo-preserve its nuclear receptor reporter cells. This proprietary process, called CryoMite™, provides long-term cryo-preservation of cells for shipping and storage, thus providing users the convenience of readily available robust cell-based reporter assays for on-demand use.

Recent products

Human LXR Reporter Assays PANEL, 2 x 48 assays in 96-well format

£895.00 / 1,253.00 Dry Ice

Human ERα Reporter Assay System, 1 x 96-well format assay

£775.00 / 1,085.00 Dry Ice

Human LXRα Reporter Assay System, 3 x 32 assays in 96-well format

£775.00 / 1,085.00 Dry Ice

Human Retinoid X Receptor Gamma Reporter Assay System

£735.00 / 1,029.00 Dry Ice

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