Scientific Specialties Inc

Recent products

0.2ml, 0.5ml, 1.5ml and 2.0ml NoStick Graduated MicroCentrifuge Tubes

£39.00£495.00 / 54.60693.00

0.5ml and 1.5ml Microcentrifuge Tube Pestles

£69.00£375.00 / 96.60525.00

0.5ml, 1.5ml and 2.0ml Microcentrifuge Tube Cap Locks

£39.00£175.00 / 54.60245.00

0.5ml, 1.5ml and 2.0ml Microcentrifuge Tube Openers

£69.00£335.00 / 96.60469.00

0.5ml, 1.5ml and 2.0ml Screw Cap MicroTubes Caps Only – Standard Teathered Caps with Synthetic O-Ring

£59.00£69.00 / 82.6096.60

0.5ml, 1.5ml and 2.0ml Screw Cap MicroTubes Caps Only - Standard Caps with Synthetic O-Ring

£69.00 / 96.60

0.5ml, 1.5ml and 2.0ml Screw Cap MicroTubes Caps Only - GripSeal Caps

£69.00 / 96.60

2.0ml Screw Cap MicroTubes (Clear/Natural)

£49.00 / 68.60

1.5ml Screw Cap MicroTubes

£49.00 / 68.60

0.5ml Screw Cap MicroTubes

£49.00 / 68.60

UltraFlux i (0.1ml Low Profile) Thin Walled 8 Tubes Per Strip with Attached Individual Caps

£98.00 / 137.20

UltraFlux i (0.2ml Thin Walled 8 per strip Tubes with Attached Individual Caps

£98.00 / 137.20

Externally Threaded CryoFreeze Tubes

£59.00£165.00 / 82.60231.00 Standard

Internally Threaded CryoFreeze Tubes

£15.00£145.00 / 21.00203.00 Standard

1-20ul Robotic Tips for BioMek FX, NX and 3000

£315.00 / 441.00 Standard

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